Your expert for the global enforcement of image rights
We are fair, reliable, and multicultural
- Authentic & Experienced
- Open-Minded & Communicative
- Innovative & Revolutionary
What we stand for
At Copytrack we want to reduce these unsettling circumstances and provide our customers with a tool that they can use to assert their rights easily and without risk.
We offer our service free of charge and bear all the costs of the proceedings. Only in the case of success do we retain a commission. A fair agreement on all sides is our first priority.
Figures &
Facts About the Company
- Founded in 2015
- Around 35 employees worldwide
65 million images from our
global network - Cases in over 190 countries
- Global partner network
For a fair Internet
Fairness is our mission
The Problem
Millions of images are stolen and illegally used on the Internet every day. Especially for photographers, publishers and picture agencies, this causes significant financial damage. So far, authors have been largely helpless in the fight against copyright infringement, as it is still considered a trivial offense. On one hand, the search for stolen images takes a lot of time. On the other hand, legal enforcement carries a legal risk – if you lose the case, you are still left with the costs.

The Solution
Copytrack provides its customers with an all-round service that allows them to assert their rights easily and without risk. Our service is free of charge and we bear all legal costs. Only if we succeed, do we retain a commission.
Find your stolen images now
The registration only takes two minutes
and is completely free of charge