Questions and Answers

Answers to frequently asked questions about Copytrack

How can I register with Copytrack?

Registering with Copytrack couldn’t be simpler: Click on „Login“ in the top right hand corner of our website and follow this link:

Click on „Create account“ on the following page, fill in all the fields and follow the instructions, in a few minutes the registration process is complete and we look forward to working with you!

Which countries is Copytrack’s service offered in?

Copytrack tracks your images and offers the image post-licensing worldwide. If there is no agreement with the infringer, we can enforce your rights with our lawyers in many countries.

How many images can I upload?

As soon as you have registered with Copytrack, you can upload up to 500 images immediately for monitoring. If you have more images you wish to upload, please contact our support team who are happy to offer you more suitable subscriptions. 

How does the image search work?

We use several state-of-the-art technologies for our Reverse Image Search, such as Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. Our new image-matching software not only uses the metadata of a photo but also compares the images at the pixel level. This enables us to find even duplicated or modified images.

How can Copytrack offer its service for free?

Our innovative technology allows us to search the internet for your images efficiently and evaluate hits automatically. Therefore we can offer our service to you risk-free. We finance ourselves exclusively through the successful enforcement of your image rights. Only in the event of success will Copytrack receive a commission.

What does Italian law provide for the protection of photographs?

In Italy, the protection of copyright and related rights to images is mainly regulated by the Copyright Law (Law No. 633 of April 22, 1941), which has been amended several times to adapt to European and international regulations. Photographic works endowed with creative character are protected as intellectual works under Article 2 of Law 633/1941. The photographer holds the exclusive right of reproduction, dissemination and economic exploitation of the photo. The protection lasts for the author’s lifetime and up to 70 years after his death. The creative character of photographs has been the subject of numerous pronouncements at both the European and national levels. In summary, a photo or image that expresses an author’s intentionality in at least one of the three stages of creation (design, shooting and post-production) is creative. In Italy, photographs that are not creative in nature are still protected as simple photographs under Article 87 et seq. of Law 633/1941. The protection lasts 20 years from the making of the photograph. Copyright infringement may result in civil and criminal penalties, with payment of damages.

Is there any costs to use Copytrack?

No! Copytrack is free to use if you track less than 500 images. We only take commission if we have a won claim with you.

You will receive 55% of the license fee or compensation we achieve for you. For more detailed information, please visit our „Pricing“ page. Billing is done automatically and so you don’t have to worry about anything.    

How long does it take for a case to be successful?

As soon as you hand in a case to Copytrack, our team starts enforcing your rights. First we will offer the infringer the chance to retroactively license the image(s) which can be done via our secure online portal. The entire post-licensing process usually takes about a months.

If the post-licensing process is unsuccessful, we will start the legal enforcement of your rights. The legal enforcement through a dunning procedure up to a court case is often a long process and can take a longer time to complete. However, you will be informed during the process.


What type of images should I use the Copytrack service for?

In order to make your search for illegally used images as effective as possible, we recommend that you only upload images you have already sold for online use or those that are freely accessible online.

Only these images can be stolen and found by our search engine.  In addition, the upload time is shortened by your preselection. This speeds up the search and makes it easier for you to keep track.

I heard that RIGHTS-DEFEND was subject of a proceeding by the Italian Competition & Market Authority (AGCM) How was the proceeding concluded? Do I still have to respond the letter?

Proceeding references (PS12629) and link to the Authority’s page with publication in the bulletin ( Proceeding concluded in December 2024 with the acceptance of commitments and a 90-day deadline to acknowledge that it had complied with the authority’s commitments and directions. Compliance is currently under examination by the Authority. The authority did not challenge the merits of Copytrack’s activities, but rather the modalities of its requests. Since the evaluation of the merit is case-by-case, an answer is due in order to allow Copytrack to pursue any infringement or, on the contrary, closing the case because of the justification provided.

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