“I Think a lot Photographers Suffer from Photo Theft” | Interview with Koukichi Takahashi
Koukichi Takahashi a Tokyo based photographer talked about his love of umbrellas, rain and what he does to create the perfect shot of dying flowers. Takahashi

Copyright Enforcement from an Illustrator’s Point of View | Interview with Tomoko Osuki
Tomoko Osuki is a Japanese illustrator who specializes in taking complex situations and illustrating them in an easy to understand way. After some success tracking down

“Models are people. They all have a story.” Interview with Marc Hayden
Marc Hayden, Freelance Photographer Hi Marc, since you started your career in photography about 5 years ago, you made quite a name for yourself. Currently you

Unimaginable landscapes on Instagram | Interview with Leo Thomas
Leo Thomas, 25, student from Trier Hi Leo, You often travel, have a passion for photography and like to share your images on social media. Your

Award-winning photographer Jocelyn Allen uses photography as a form of therapy
Jocelyn Allen, who recently won BJP’s graduate single image award, claims photography helps her deal with personal issues. Using the camera, she creates work that better

“Use your intuition to implement your visions” | Interview with Tomaso Baldessarini
Hi Tomaso, As an aspiring young photographer you know the scene. Your portrait series “Anti.Mono Stereo” 2015 won acclaimed prizes and made a name for you.