Effortlessly Pursue Copyright Infringements

We’ll take care of the legal enforcement of your images

of all successful cases are settled with a post-licensing offer
0 %
is all it takes on average to reach a fair settlement via post-licensing offer
10 days
of all successful cases are settled out of court
0 %

This Is How We’ll Enforce Your Image Rights

There’s no risk and no advance payment


Post-Licensing Offer

If your claim is a case of copyright infringement, then we’ll send the infringing party a post-licensing offer.

In our agreement portal, image users can view all facts about their case and quickly and easily accept the post-licensing offer.



If our post-licensing offer is unsuccessful, then we’ll demand payment of compensation from the image user within the scope of commercial debt collection.


Out-Of-Court Settlement

If the infringing party still doesn’t respond to our requests, then one of our legal partners will send them a formal written reminder to pay the claim for damages.


Legal Enforcement

If all these actions are unsuccessful, then our partner attorneys will bring your claims to court.

Got a picture that’s being used without a valid license?